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Unban request


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Your Nick:minaaa
STEAMID: nosteam
The reason you received banned: They were asking for screenshots from the cs folder but i was having trouble understanding as i don't understand Romanian 
The admin who suspected you: at9
Approximate time: 3pm Romanian time i suppose
Your evidence ( Print to console )

A kind request please do something about this because every other day some new mod or admin comes and does the ban. i already solved my previous case with Benny.  We can't have some other mod come ask us for screenshots daily when we did give them to some other mod this way we will keep getting ban even though we solved our case


Can you explain what screenshots of what folder i have to give in cs folder, ill happily provide them thanksspacer.png

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We explain to you but I notice that you don't understand anything.

Use Google to find out how to do it.

I tell you again, you must to present 5 screenshots that the admin did to you.

I can help you by telling you that those screenshots are named after the name of the map in game with .bmp termination.


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