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  3. Nume: ødelaeggereN SteamID: STEAM_0:0:536217107 Motiv: no.wg Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent Dovada: https://imgur.com/a/hH2f010
  4. Last week
  5. Model : ⚫Nick: JAN33SSSSSSSS ⚫Dată & ora: 18.09.2024 22:40 ⚫Nick-ul adminului: LINUX ⚫SteamID : STEAM_0:1:762797250 ⚫De ce ai fost banat?: Ban Information Name: JAN333SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SteamID: STEAM_0:1:762797250 Reason: wall Unban Time: Permanent Ban Admin Name: linux [14] Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:1:522977911 FARA DREPT DE WG DEMO VERIFICARE PLUS BAN PE TEAMSPEAK MOTIV LUAT LA MISTO DOVADA CAND AM FACUT WG https://www.wargods.ro/wcd/report.php?id=2952974 I-AM TRIMIS WG SI TOT BAN MI-A DAT
  6. Nume: -------------------- SteamID: STEAM_1:0:1925895000 Motiv: no.ss Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent Dovadă: https://imgur.com/a/ke7WlLY
  7. The title of the topic must be : [Request Admin] your name Nickname Your age: Describe your admin experience: Describe your biohazard experience: Why do you want to be an admin?: Hours Played: Did you read and understand the Rules?: Your SteamID: INFO: - If you made an admin request and were rejected you can make a new one only after 14 days. ( if you meet al the requirements) - The required number of hours are (+10 hours) to allow you to make an admin request. -If you are accepted as an admin and you will not have activity, you will be removed from the STAFF TEAM -The minimum age to apply as an staff member is 16 years old, after the request is accepted, you'll gonna have to send the proof about your age which in contrary case the request will be afterwards rejected.
  8. lnxx


    Your banlist title should be like this : [BANLIST] Your name ! [MODEL] The name of the banned player: The STEAMID of the banned player Reason: Map: Date/Hour: Duration: Proof:
  9. [BOOST INFORMATION] You can help us boost this server on gametracker.rs and any other platforms. Gametracker.rs link : https://www.gametracker.rs/server_info/ Or you can just send any king of donations, on the paypal account or revolut account Paypal account : lainuxdg@gmail.com Revolut tag : @linuxx Specify in message this: Your nickname and for boost !
  10. 🇬🇧 [ EN ] Hello ! ATTENTION ! All donations are made to the following founders, whom you can find here on the forum or at the following discord addresses: lnxx - https://revolut.me/linuxx Or simple : revolut tag -> @linuxx You have to specify in the message, what do you want and your nickname! Depending on the amount donated, you will be rewarded with one of the following benefits: - 👑 Donor rank. - 👑 Monthly or Permanent V.I.P. -🧟‍♂️ Personalized Skins with or without benefits on the models of: Human / Zombie / Weapon / Knife / Zombie Hands. - 👻 Coins/ Escapees / Ranks. You can send the proof donation here, just reply this post with the picture/screenshot Kind Regards, BIO.DREAMLIFE.RO
  11. Players Rules 1. Do not ask for Admin/Vip on the Server, if you insist you risk [GAG 3 minutes] 2. Do not curse the Admins or the other players on the Server [GAG 3-5 minutes], and if you continue [BAN 10-30 minutes] 3. Respect the Admins and the other players if you want to be respected 4. You are not allowed to be a SPECTATOR for more than 30 minutes a day [KICK], and if you continue [BAN 10-30 minutes] 5. You are not allowed to retry when you are a zombie or the last man alive just to avoid being killed, if you repeat you risk [BAN 30 minutes] 6. You are not allowed to use any kind of Script, CFG, Code to help you in the game, the game must be as simple as possible/default [PERMANENT BAN] 7. Do not advertise on other Servers, Sites, Communities [PERMANENT BAN] 8. You are not allowed to block the passage with the laser [SLAY], and if you continue [KICK, BAN 30 minutes] 9. Do not spam in the chat [Verbal warning], and if you continue [GAG 5-10 minutes] 10. When you are a zombie, you are not allowed to be killed by a human to increase his rank. "FreeKill" is banned [SLAY], and if you continue [BAN 30 minutes] 11. To the question "Have you read and understood the rules?" from the admin/vip/tag request, you will answer "biohazardftw"! 12. You are not allowed to climb the Map, or to use to your own advantage the bugs found on some Maps [SLAY], and if you continue [BAN 30 minutes] 13. It is forbidden to place lasers LONG in small/narrow places/teleport/tunnels/stairs or vertically (where the zombie cannot BUG/break, or makes a laser BUG but can't pass because the place doesn't allow it, the zombie is considered unable to attack, exceptions are made if the place has several entrances or the space is open) [Remove Lasermine], and if you continue you risk [SLAY, KICK, BAN 1-6 hours] 13.1. It is prohibited in any way to place lasers lengthwise in tunnels or small/narrow places to kill the zombie with the laser when it attacks, at the beginning of the round or during the round or at the end it is considered an intentional kill [WARNING] and if you continue [SLAY, KICK, BAN 1-6 hours] 14. Both players and admins are asked to notify Founders/Managers if there are certain bugs found in which "Escapes/Coins" is abused or taken advantage of, otherwise very harsh sanctions will be applied to both players and admins in question! 15. It is forbidden to use the bugs that allow you to pass through the wall with the help of the laser [SLAY] and if you continue [BAN 1-24 hours] Admin Rules 1. Do not abuse the commands otherwise [WARNING] or even [REMOVE], it depends on the seriousness of the act. 2. The admins are obliged to help the players in the game as well as to guide them to the Forum 3. Decisions on the server will be made by the online admin with the highest degree, if there are more they will make decisions by mutual agreement without quarrels and scandals otherwise [WARNING] 4. The map will change only in the last 5 minutes. An exception is made only when the map is too small for the present players, or when the majority want to change the map 4.1. If you want to start the "votemap", it is enough to write /startvote in the chat and the vote will start automatically 4.2. Do not vote for less than 3 maps 4.3. Don't vote for maps that have been played recently, check recent maps by typing /maps 5. Respect the players if you want to be respected 6. Admins are required to visit the Zombie » BIO forum every day to keep up to date with the news, otherwise they will receive [WARNING] 7. Admins have the obligation to give PRO / CONTRA to Admin/UP requests, UnBan requests and Complaints, arguing their decisions 8. Admins have the obligation to leave the game aside and take care of the Server, becoming a spectator when needed and only after solving the problems to return to the game [WARNING] 9. You are not allowed to apply commands to the other admins [WARNING], if you continue [REMOVE]. An exception to this rule is made only in extreme cases when it is necessary to solve a serious problem. 10. You are not allowed to be spectators/afk for more than 30 minutes a day without a good reason [WARNING] 11. If 5 consecutive days pass in which you do not enter the Server at all and do not announce the reason, or you have very low activity, you will receive [REMOVE] 12. You are not allowed to make complaints to other admins. If you have a problem with another admin, talk directly to the Server Managers. 13. If 7 consecutive days pass in which you do not enter the forum at all and do not announce the reason, or you have very low activity, you risk [WARNING / DOWNGRADE] 14. Admins have the obligation to put all PERMANENT BANs in the BanList [WARNING] 15. Admins are required NOT to put pressure on Zombies to attack when a human puts their laser in such a way that the Zombie can only enter with the BUG, or if he breaks it [WARNING] 16. Admins are obliged, before doing SS/DEMO to a player or asking him for WG, to look at the suspect for 1-2 rounds because not everyone knows how to give a WG or give pictures, after you have looked 1- 2 rounds per player and you are not sure, you can do SS or DEMO, and then ask him for WG [WARNING] 17. It is strictly forbidden to have admin on another Server, because any smaller activity will be considered that you are more active on the other Server [REMOVE]
  12. Earlier
  13. Acceptat! O să rezolv în această dimineață
  14. DNS dorit ( nume.dreamlife.ro ) : cs.dreamlife.ro IP server : Firma unde este găzduit serverul : EntrySoft Mod de joc : Classic Modalitate de contact : STEAM Link gametracker : https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ Informații Suplimentare Am categoria facuta numai de DNS am nevoie , va multumesc !
  15. Nume: he he ondan IP: - SteamID: STEAM_0:1:516774387 Timp: Permanent. Motiv: Drop dupa ce i s-a cerut verificare. Dovada: https://imgur.com/a/dsmmqS0
  16. Nume: Falcone IP: - SteamID: STEAM_0:0:88327302 Timp: Permanent. Motiv: Drop dupa ce i s-au facut poze. Dovada: https://imgur.com/a/Vj5gdJD
  17. Nume: MIMO--*DZ IP: SteamID: - Timp: Permanent. Motiv: Drop dupa ce i s-a cerut verificare. Dovada: https://imgur.com/a/Hb1YAbt
  18. Nume: Knokke IP: SteamID: - Timp: Permanent. Motiv: Drop dupa ce i s-a cerut verificare. Dovada: https://imgur.com/a/roMMbMb
  19. Nume: n | X | a IP: SteamID: - Timp: Permanent. Motiv: La fel ca mehdi, intra de pe alte nume si injura adminii. Dovada: https://imgur.com/a/nDS4flB
  20. Nume: BlunnT.ALB IP: - SteamID: STEAM_1:0:1074280466 Timp: 2 ore. Motiv: A dat info de repetate ori pe Y. I-am atras atentia si eu si B3nny. Nu a inteles. Dovada: https://imgur.com/a/GVPWCKo
  21. Nume: mehdi IP: - SteamID: STEAM_1:0:1412806523 Timp: Permanent. Motiv: Injurii staff. Mereu intra cu alte nume la cont si injura adminii. Dovada: https://imgur.com/a/OwNyW94
  22. Nume: HoneY / RS |SUka IP: - SteamID: - Timp: Permanent. Motiv: Nu a vrut sa incarce pozele. Dovada: https://imgur.com/a/GZgjAPF
  23. Nume: This IP: - SteamID: - Timp: Permanent. Motiv: Reclama. Dovada: https://imgur.com/a/l9D9j7K
  24. Nume: Pokolino IP: - SteamID: STEAM_1:0:101232889 Timp: Permanent. Motiv: A intrat pe svr, m-a injura si a iesit:))) Dovada: https://imgur.com/a/flzrGyb
  25. Rezolvat. Astept alte detali sau modificari daca sunt.
  26. Nick : lnxx Unique ID ( pentru adaugare grad ts3) : NuMBjUx0X92yztMErAD6BT9Yt7s= Nume canal TS3 : BIO.DREAMLIFE.RO Contact owner : ts, steam Moderatori categorie : lnxx Sub-Forumuri: [BIO] Rules & Announces [BIO] Request Admin Request Slot Request Unban Request [BIO] Complaints [BIO] Staff Zone BanList Staff List Private Staff [BIO] Suggestions [Bio] Promote Server Proof Donations / Boost Vote Server [BIO] Archive DNS+Link cerere DNS : https://dreamlife.ro/forum/index.php?/topic/1941-cerere-dns-biodreamlifero/#comment-4712 Link Gametracker : https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
  27. Accepted. Astept categoriile dorite. T/C
  28. DNS dorit ( nume.dreamlife.ro ) : BIO.DREAMLIFE.RO IP server : Firma unde este găzduit serverul : esagames.ro Mod de joc : Zombie Biohazard Modalitate de contact : Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197963227896/, ts Link gametracker : https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ Informații Suplimentare -
  29. Nume: __VladimirPutin__ IP: SteamID: STEAM_1:0:1674516030 Timp: 120 Motiv: limbaj Dovada: (print in colsola sau demo) : https://imgur.com/a/TKDKESz
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