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Jerry last won the day on February 20

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  1. salut folosesti prea multe cfg config.cfg (MD5: 648BC9E73BA936CF2370FF3F8977CA64) (Size: 3697) (Alias count: 0) (Lines: 178) (Binary: False) config.cfg (MD5: 5336F0E86573064DBE2FCD4D0E56EF50) (Size: 3809) (Alias count: 0) (Lines: 185) (Binary: False) config.cfg (MD5: 0AA46BCCB3190496FF4E0B445C587015) (Size: 3403) (Alias count: 0) (Lines: 165) (Binary: False) config.cfg (MD5: 1DF06F25F4558C9BC3BC1D8F9D99D30F) (Size: 4841) (Alias count: 0) (Lines: 215) (Binary: False) config.cfg (MD5: 3A4A14C95477E61244FBA0D98CB6B25A) (Size: 4989) (Alias count: 0) (Lines: 223) (Binary: False)
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  3. poi ti-a cerut hdn wg si ti-a explicat ce sa faci i nici acum nu ai venit cu scan wg P.S hdn ma rugat sa-ti dau ban ca el trebuia sa plece
  4. PRO ne bucram ca esti cu noi distractie placuta pe sv
  5. poi dece te-a banat? sa vedem si motivul
  6. Informatii despre Ban Nume: dom IP: ”” Motiv: no.wg Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent https://imgur.com/gPDeOyv
  7. PRO ne bucuram sa va vedem sa fii activ si pe TS3
  8. poti inchide jucatorul a confirmat ca nu mai schimba jocul P:S scz pentru duble post
  9. nici asta nu e bun imi pare rau
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  11. ************************************************ Informatii despre Ban Nume: z10 IP: ” Motiv: drop.wg Timp de Unban: Ban Permanent ************************************************ https://imgur.com/a/j7nXo7U
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